Your Security

Because of issues of security on the Internet, many customers are still are not comfortable entering their credit card information online. If you are one of those customers, we understand and sympathize completely.

In recent years, new technology has led to many new advances in the area of security. When used properly, these new tools allow web site owners to feel confident when accepting credit cards. We believe that our method of collecting credit card orders is extremely safe and would like to try to convince you. But if you still feel uncomfortable ordering online, please just give us a call at (888) 566-4827, mail us, or email us with your order. We appreciate your business!

We utilize a simple, safe, and secure method to collect credit card orders over the Internet. We utilize a combination of security methods to safeguard sensitive information offered through Braintree which allows us to never, ever store your credit card information anywhere in our building or even a computer anywhere on the internet.

The downside is that we do need to collect your credit card information each time you place an order. While that might take a little more time, in today’s world where even the largest companies have had security breaches, the only way to be 100% safe is to not store credit cards at all.

Once your order has been transmitted to us, it is kept secure. Our business is built on the trust of our customers. We will not allow our customers to risk credit card fraud because they trusted us enough to place an order on our site.

We believe that your online orders are secure! But if you do not, please give us a call or mail us, and we will be glad to serve you another way!